Monday, March 26, 2018

First Day At Work - What to expect

If we were asked to talk about our first day at work, most of us would have something in common, it was AWKWARD!

First day at work starter pack:

- New Suit and shirt
- New handbag
- New hairdo
- New Shoes
- New jewellery
- New food flask/water bottle
All kitted up
My first day at work was awkward for me.
I got to the office way too early, I chose the wrong shoes as I had no idea my job would require moving around a lot. Also, meeting new people and trying to find a friendly face was not so easy for me.

Your first day at work, you get to meet three kinds of people:

1. The ones that size you up and decide they don't want to be cool with you (for reasons best known to them). Just don't ask this kind of person a question because their response is always laced with sarcasm.

2. There are the ones that are indifferent about your existence. They are usually just there to do their job, nothing more, nothing less. You'd see them most times with a bored expression.  Only ask these people questions when absolutely necessary and keep it about the job

3. Finally, there are the ones that are eager to make a new office buddy. These ones are friendly and chatty. They will answer your questions beyond what ypu ask them and they make you less nervous on your first day. Fortunately, I met two people in this category that made my first day less awkward.

My first day at work sure did feel like my first day at school!

What was your first day at work like? We'd love to hear from you!

Love Truly - Molz


shiky said...

I met the number 2 n 3 categories of people on my first day at work.lool. my first day at work was just me observing the peoole I'll work with n environment. It was so boring!!!

Unknown said...

Yes oh,everything I work presently, I met the number 3 category, really cool people but there was just one bitter person and she's still that way till today.