So many times, it feels like we are drowning in a sea of "to-dos" and end up not crossing off half of what we have on our plates. It's either we just do not have enough time, or maybe we are financially constrained.
Don't you just wish sometimes that the hours in the day could be extended or that someone would just send you an unexpected sum of money so you could settle that urgent need? I must confess that it feels this way many a times.
This past week I did a lot of inward thinking, soul searching and praying of course and all that keeps coming to me is "Be Intentional".
How often do you actually take out time to plan your day/week? Or plan your finances and spendings? Have you thought out what meals you are going to make this week? What about your work clothes, have you picked them out? Oh what are your plans concerning that book you're yet to finish reading?
Whew! These are some of the things I still struggle with and I hope to overcome and get a mastery of!
The good news is that I have found an insight on things I can start doing to make everything come together beautifully. They are really very easy steps to follow, all you need is your determination to follow through.
1. Have a "code" word for each day.
My sister sent me a post on this about "naming your day". This is so powerful because it is what you name a thing that it becomes. So you want a productive day? Why not name it "Monday, 9th of April: My day of productivity". Simple isn't it?
My sister sent me a post on this about "naming your day". This is so powerful because it is what you name a thing that it becomes. So you want a productive day? Why not name it "Monday, 9th of April: My day of productivity". Simple isn't it?
2. Keep a journal: You want to be intentional? Go old school and start keeping a journal. Journals are really helpful because they help you keep track of yourself. They also help you track your thoughts, an average human being has about 50,000 - 70,000 thoughts per day! Imagine losing track of all those thoughts because you didn't pen them down. I am recommending a journal by Temitope Olagbegi, it's called "The Intentional Living Journal". You can contact her on Instagram @temitope_Olagbegi
3. Download and follow a time management application: Time management is very crucial. Why not plan out your week at least to the extent to which you have control over it? There are routine activities that we all do everyday and there are some we should be doing that we just do not seem to have the time for. Using a time management application helps you to streamline your activities and put a structure to your day. I am currently using an application called "TimeTune" and so far so good, I think I might stick with this one.
4. Download and Work with a Finance Management Application: You'd be surprised how much of your income is unaccounted for because of impulsive buyings or pseudo-emergencies. With a finance management system in place, you'd be able to track how much is coming in and how much is going out accurately and it also helps you plan and cut off on excesses. The application I use presently for this is the "Finance PM" application.
All in all, for everything you do, let there be a reason for it. That's being intentional. Don't let life happen to you, let life happen through you.
Have a splendid week!
- Love Truly, Molz
Instagram: @diaryofacareerwoman
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