Friday, May 04, 2018

The Office Girl Code

Who says you have to be friends with your female colleague? No one! However, there are some unspoken girl codes you should observe in the workplace.

Code 1: Bring a wardrobe malfunction to her notice...politely and discreetly! If you observe a female colleague's button is loose, bring it to her attention and not to the attention of the whole office. If it's something you can help with, offer assistance. Who knows, it might be your turn tomorrow.

Code 2: Avoid office rivalry/competition. Do not forge alliances with other female colleagues in order to get at one female colleague. What this means is that the fact that you can't be her friend doesn't mean others can't be friends with her. Do not let your other female colleagues feel like they have to pick sides.

Code 3: Don't put down or belittle your female colleague's effort especially to your boss. Letting her have her shine doesn't dim yours.

Code 4: Share your beauty regimen and fashion tips if asked. If your female colleague asks you about where you got that dress or what hair you got on, please  share. Why do we always like to be vague about those kind of questions anyway?

Code 5: Only get as involved in her personal life as she allows you to. Don't be so eager to know everything about her life outside of work and don't force hangouts if she is reluctant. Give her space and give her time.

The codes are endless and maybe we will look at some more office girl codes in another post.

You can share some more girl codes in the comment section. Have a Fabulous Friday!
- Love Truly, Molz

Instagram: @diaryofacareerwoman

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