Thursday, March 08, 2018

What is the big deal about wearing heels in the workplace?

Boy! My feet hurts!

A friend of mine complained about the fact that her boss has mandated every female in her workplace to wear heels in the office everyday!
According to her boss, wearing heels makes you appear more professional and also makes you feel more confident.

I do agree that heels have a way of making you look more professional and a "Comfortable" one can add to your self confidence but not every one feels very comfortable wearing heels. I think everyone should be allowed to wear what they feel comfortable in within the confines of professionalism.

What advice would you give to someone facing this challenge in the workplace?
Are there other dresscode and appearance issues we face as women in the workplace?

Happy International Women's Day to all the wonderful women across the world.  You're beautiful and you bring colour to the world.

Celebrate a woman today!

Love Truly - Molz


Unknown said...

I am one of those ladies that doesn't like wearing heels but I once worked in an organization where we had to wear heels everyday of the wasn't funny but I simply got shoes with comfortable heel.The good thing is since then my perspective about heels have changed, it gives u a good carriage and posture. Happy international women's day..

shiky said...

I love flats.They are more comfortable for me,however I have noticed that whenever I wear heels (when I resume at my work place after putting the sandals I wore to work in my bag,I'm sure most of us can relate to this,lol),I feel more confident in myself and walk with pride. I think heels should be more encouraged at work,it gives you an extra height n more confidence and every lady should cultivate the habit of wearing them.Just get the ones you can handle well,they don't have to be too high.